Sunday, March 4, 2012

Asterisk Flowers

 In addition to the brightly colored letters, I will also have some brightly colored asterisk flowers in the Black Box Quilt.

You can make them like this... all one color with a contrasting center.

But I also like them two-toned, as in these.

 Remember they can be rotated for slightly different emphasis.

 They are about 4-1/2" across.
I used to make them all in one color (see the top one), but I goofed once, and made a two-toned one by mistake. I liked it so much I included it in the finished quilt, and now I make them two toned on purpose.


Elaine M said...

Love these, nice pop of color!

Terri said...

Happy errors! That's how art progresses. The artist just needs to cull out the unhappy ones.
Love your happy flowers.